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Corporate Social Responsibility
ecoCare, We Care
Misi Terbesar
Misi kami melibatkan tanggung jawab yang luas, dimana fokus utamanya bukan hanya untuk mengurangi dampak negatif pada produk, layanan, operasi, dan bisnis saja. Kami memulai perjalanan ini secara kolektif dan mengundang Anda untuk bersama-sama memprioritaskan kesejahteraan lingkungan di tempat tinggal dan komunitas kita.

Apa Ya Bedanya ecoCare Doormat & Keset Biasa?
Source: Pinterest Dalam memilih keset untuk rumah atau kantor, seringkali kita hanya mempertimbangkan harga dan tampilan luarnya saja....

Metode Pengeringan Tangan yang Ramah Lingkungan
Mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir merupakan langkah penting untuk menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan. Namun, tahukah Anda bahwa...

PPE for RSAU Dr. Esnawan Antariksa & Puri Raharja Hospital
In the spirit of solidarity against the global pandemic and supporting Indonesia's recovery, ecoCare and Indonesian Cleaners contributed...

Cleaning at the Failaka Palmerah Mosque
ecoCare Group Company has long been at the forefront of providing environmentally friendly and high quality hygiene and sanitation...

Reasons Why Air Freshener Services Are Important for Your Home
Having a house that is always fresh and clean is certainly everyone's dream. Moreover, if it has a calming aroma, anyone will certainly...

Why is air freshener important in the office? This is the answer
Creating a different atmosphere at the office can be done in various ways. One of them is by installing air freshener . How can you just...

ecoCare Group Company: A New Journey Begins!
May 2024 will be the first step for ecoCare Group Company to carry out rebranding that reflects the company's new vision and strengthens...

Holding an AGM, ecoCare Group Company (HYGN) Sets a Dividend of 30% of Profit
Jakarta, 6 June 2024 – PT Ecocare Group Company held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) at the Jakarta Design Center,...

4 Interesting Facts about Hand Sanitizer and the Importance of Hand Hygiene
Maintaining hand hygiene is an important step in preventing the spread of disease. One effective tool for this is hand sanitizer. Here...

Causes of a Smelly Toilet: Solutions for a Clean and Hygienic Bathroom
1. Poor Ventilation Inadequate ventilation is one of the most common causes of smelly toilets. Toilets that don't have windows or don't...

Tips for Cleaning Toilet Seats!
Cleaning the toilet seat is an important part of keeping the bathroom clean. A clean toilet seat not only provides comfort, but also...

Pencatatan Perdana Saham PT ecoCare Indo Pasifik Tbk (HYGN)
Pada Selasa, 13 Februari 2024, PT ecoCare Indo Pasifik Tbk (kode emiten: HYGN) secara sukses mencatatkan saham perdana di Bursa Efek...

National Conference ecoCare Group 2024
Accelerate - Advance - Ascend
| 14 - 16 Mei 2024 |
Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi

Ga Kalah Dari Negara Maju... Sampah di Indonesia Bisa Jadi Listrik!
Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara dengan masalah sampah yang cukup serius. Banyak daerah di Indonesia yang kekurangan tempat pembuangan...

Yuk Memilah Sampah Dengan Benar!
Sampah menjadi salah satu permasalahan serius di banyak negara, termasuk di Indonesia. Jumlah sampah yang terus meningkat tidak hanya...
ecoCare CSR Initiative in Hygiene Service
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