Investor Relation
Outstanding stock information
PT Ecocare Indo Pasifik Tbk ("HYGN"), a company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, has successfully issued up to 525,000,000 shares, equivalent to 20.79% of its fully placed and paid-up capital. This strategic move demonstrates their commitment to further expansion and growth in the market, highlighting their dedication to providing valuable services and products to their customers and shareholders.
Dividend Information
PT Ecocare Indo Pasifik Tbk ("HYGN"), in its listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, has a Dividend Policy that governs the distribution of dividends to shareholders. According to this policy, the company will distribute dividends up to a maximum of 30% of the current year's profit to shareholders. This policy reflects the company's commitment to rewarding shareholders for its strong performance.
Stock charts

Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)
Public Expose 2024
PT Ecocare Indo Pasifik Tbk (IDX: HYGN) conducted a Public Expose to present the latest developments and provide an overview of the company's information transparency. The Securities Underwriter for the Securities Issuance is PT KGI Sekuritas Indonesia.